Thursday, February 26, 2009

better pics of the pattern..

for some reason the pics are out of order the one above the last page and the one below is the middle page
this a picof the finished procduct
front page of pattern

my own version of that darn pattern

well ive given up on understanding that sundress pattern and deciced to just make one up and basis it off of the stitch counts per row of the pattern so far ive completed the begining of the shoulders on the front side and the neck line.. i'll put up a pic and i m writting down what i do as i go so if it turns out decent i can pass the pattern along.. but while looking at this part of the dress i got the crazy idea to crochet my little girl a bikini so that will be a future project..

dish clothes..

here is a few pics of a couple of dish clothes i made using an afghan stitch.. they also double as potholders and trivittes.

that darn pattern

here is a slide show of the dress and the pattern if anyone can desifer.. it might as well be written in a forgien language.HELP ME!!! the dress is cute..if you need better pics of the written pattern email me ..

my current pics of projects,,

here are some pics of the block , the skirt when i first started it and the sundress

yay the yarn is here..

well today my yarn arrived and i couldn't wait to bust open the pack and start finishing my little girls skirt, i ripped out the "ugly" brown in the church parking lot while waiting on my mother in law and kids to arrive so we could attend services .. and got to work on replacing the stitches, i also finished Gussy's toy block today and started a 2nd sundress for princess miah.. im goin to start a bib for king gus in the am.. and im trying to upload some pics of these projects for yall as i type .. i'll post them in another blog.. as well as this pain in my ass pattern i dont understand.. i need someone who can explain it in blonde terms.. ive never tryed to follow a pattern before and did i pick a dousy to start with .. jeesh..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

waiting on my yarn to come ..

well i ran out of the chocolate colored yarn and when i returned to the orginal place of purchase they had stopped carring it so i went to ebay and found the amount i needed and now am waiting on it to arrive..oh how i love to ebay.while waiting i decied to crochet a baby toy a block for mynew almost nephew riley but i couldnt get the thing to hold its shape so it became a ball.. i later figured out how to make it stay in a cube shape and am working on one for my little gussy.i wish i would have taken apic of it but hopefully riley's mommy will send me one soon. i'll post it as soon as i get it.. ive also been working on a sundress for my little girl and i'll take pics of it and put them up later as well.. i also completed a dish cloth i am going to be making several more and a few dish towls in a plight to save some money we are really cutting back and saving our pennies.. no more paper towls , or plastic cups, silverware or paper plates, we are starting to plan our garden and i'll be learning how to can and i really want to learn to sew ..hubby is goin to teach me he is a good seamstress.. im goin to make dresses for miah and myself matching ofcourse and shirts for my gussy. i have felt the calling by god to live more simpler that doesnt mean we still dont enjoy our internet and dish network but to dress more plain, ive almost completely given up my jeans for long skirts and more modest tops , i do tend to lounge around the house in some pj pants, im trying to encorage my 2yr old to wear more dresses or skirts as well but good luck in reasoning with a head strong daddies girl who always gets her way and just learning to dress her self.. but but to the crocheting... sorry .. i am trying to learn to read patterns.. i have having a VERY hard time .. with a sundress pattern i bought.. it talks about a cluster stitch..what the heck is a cluster sitch.. if anyone can help let me know and i'll scan the pattern and email youa copy and maybe you can help me.. i need help.. LOTS OF IT>.lol.. well i have pics to take later.. happy stitching

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

pics of my recent projects.

front panel of skirt all done..
blurry pic of top
back pannel, i ended one ball of yarn reached down and got another ball but obviously it is not the same color of brown..(can you tell) so i ordered the other color actually called chocolate and will have to rip out all that and redo. then put the waves on the bottem and the colored yarn on then whip stitch together i think it will be really cute.
the valentine i made my hubby.. from a pattern i got from it was so easy and only took about 15minutes to make.he loved it..

Saturday, February 14, 2009

we finally have power

well i got my power back on thursday night.. thank goodness. so im relieved that it is back on but overwhelmed with all the catch up im playing.. i have done several loads of laundry, i have filled 3 clothes lines in the back yard and have been running the dryer almost none stop. i have been folding and putting it in baskets to be put away another day, Today i got all my dishes caught up but still have around 8 loads of dirty laundry to wash and dry .. i have 3 loads on the lines and a load in the dryer to be one ever told me when i be came a mom how much laundry a one and two yr old can dirty in just 16 days..geesh.well things are slowly getting back to normal but with all my house work to do i dont have as much time to scratch my itch to crochet so ive been staying up later than i should be to sneek in a stitch here or there, im currently workin on a heart for v-day (which is tommarow) , a skirt and a sundress for my 2yr old and i have the yarn to start a sweater for my 1yr old .. i just can seem to find a good pattern for the sundress.. anyideas let meknow..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

no power day 15..

im starting to get pissed off about not having any power.. the gas for the generator is slowing eating up all our savings and im tired of hauling water and boiling it to bath kids and do dishes. but im getting to crochet some more still working on miahs skirt ive finished the front panel and almost 3/4 of the way done on the back. so soon i'll have a pic .. well that is about all.. im hoping to take a crochet class and a knitting class soon.. ive tryed to knit before but im horrible at it.and i can crochet faster..maybe it will open my horizons.. ive found a pattern i want to do when i learn. well that is all for now

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

no power.. ARRR

ahh.. im so tired and worn out.. i would not have made a very good settlers wife.. i hate boiling water to do dishes, give baths ect.. the generator we have eats gas like a fat chick does big macs.. wait.. i think im craving a big mac..LOL.. still NO power, water or phone.. it did work now it dont. but my dsl works.. figure that one out... and when i went out to put wood in the stove a little bit ago i steped on a board witha rusty nail on it and it went strait in to my big toe.. hurts like hell .. i put soem terpentine on it since im allergic to the tetnis shot.. so now im sitting with my foot so trying to keep a postive attitude..but that is difficult when you have 10 bucks to your name and are almost out of everything ie, gas for the generator, gas in the car, all the food in the fridge is ruined and what is ok in the fridge and freezer is microwavable and you cant use that with out power..ahh... <<

Monday, February 2, 2009

current projects

right now i m working on a new barbie outfit for my little girl miah's newest barbie and a sundress for her.. i'll try to take pics later and keep you up dated on my progress..

i am the crazy crochet chic

well i LOVE To crochet.. thanks to my grandma gourley who showed me how when i was eight yrs old.. never really could quite get the hang of it.. then when i first met my husband he bought me a book from wal-mart. called i taught my self to crochet.. and shortly after we were married i found out i was expecting our first baby and was on bed rest for FIVE months ..while on bed rest i crocheted alot.and now it is my obsesion.. that and shopping but that is a whole nother so i named my blog Crochet Couture Inc. the business I use to sell my things... i take it everywhere i go. except church.. ive crochet in wal mart at a rodeo and a truck pull and many other public places.. it embarasses my hubby but i dont care..

a slide show of all my crochted things