Tuesday, March 31, 2009

knifty knitting

well Ive not had much time to work on any of my current projects but i did make an impulse buy at walmart the other day (so much for my budget and being frugal)i got a knifty knitter loom set. i thought it would be easier to make a few dish clothes and socks on , well to my dismay the knits are way to lose i guess i need to get one where the pegs are smaller and closer together.. so if anyone out there has one and has had success let me know.. the round one i bought is OK. im just a little disappointed.well i guess im off to bed it has been a long night.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

another new project

well Ive broken a cardinal rule of projects.. i started a new one while i have several unfinished ones, my new project is a romper for my Lil boy , currently i also have Easter baskets for my 2 kids and my nephew and 2 sundresses for my little girl, a bib for my son and skirt for my little girl. and a dish cloth from my beginners knitting class.So i have alot to be working on.so i better get going`

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

another duck

well i made another cute little duckie.. for my kids easter baskets .. pic will be up as soon as i start and finish them..LOL..

Monday, March 23, 2009

finished a few projects

well i finally finished miah kini bottems and i made a few easterish looking things to put on the side of the baskets im making for easter..two bunnies and a duck.. very cute..
here is a slide show of my easter stuff..

and here are pics of miah's kini

Friday, March 20, 2009

Crochet Couture

so ive been doing a little designing a few things and making a few things here and there to sew at a craft fair or two and today i took my "label" public.. I am calling it Crochet Couture....i made a myspace page i am hoping to be able to sell MY designs.. not anything ive gotten from anyone else, check out my page and let me know what you think about my stuff and if you think it would sell.and if anyone has sold things before about what the things ive made should be priced at??i am a total virgin at this..http://www.myspace.com/crochetcouture2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

donkey basketball

tonight we went to a donkey basketball game .. that was so funny, and i crocheted while i watched, my 17 yr old sister in law was SO embarrassed.. but ohwell.. i have been working on my knitting homework from my class and still working on miah's wavy outfit a put afew pics of the small piece ive been working on and the colors im using.. ive learned to knit contentental what ever the hell that means..lol.. i still maintain i can crochet so much faster than knitting!!but i love a challenge.

Monday, March 16, 2009

you might be a crochet addict if.....

OK we've all heard the Jeff foxworthy you might be a redneck if.. jokes well last night my hubby and i were watching the roast of larry the cable guy on comedy central hubby looks at me and said i could make a whole list of you might be a crochet addict if..
#1 you crochet at a restaurant while waiting on your food ( hey i did this Friday night)
#2 you take your crochet in the bathroom with you
#3 you have to buy a bigger purse so you can fit your yarn and wallet in one bag..
#4 you arrive at appointments early so you can crochet in the waiting room.
#5 you spend your entire "allowance" on yarn instead of things like razors and your leg hair is long enough to spin in to yarn..lol.
this is just a short list feel free to comment your own you might be a addict if..
i hope you think this is as funny as my hubby did..

Saturday, March 14, 2009

knitting class

well i finally mustarded up enought courage to leave my two little ones with thier daddy and went and took a knitting class, i learned to cast on, knit and pearl. so im practicing , maybe with some practice someday i will be as well of a knitter as i am a crocheter and as fast at knitting as i am at crocheting. im still working on my pink and green wavy set for miah.. also cuttin in to my crochet time is pageant practic time, my two yr old does pageants and LOVES it .. we have one coming up on march 28th and the closer to time the more we have to practice and prepare..im so excited that she likes pageants ,i did them when i was small and loved it..but this is a crochet blog enough about my GORGOUS daughter..lol.well i should be stiching and not typing..lol

Friday, March 13, 2009

exciting new projects

well i finally got some more time to look at my new pattern book and figure out which patterns i thought i could handle and look cute on my munchkins.so i ve put the ones Ive narrowed it down to in a slide show let me know which ones are your faves, Ive already started the wavy green and pink two piece outfit and it is goin to be SO cute.. i cant wait to get it done..also on Saturday im going to take a beginners knitting class, Ive tried to learn on my own and gotten very frustrated cause i can crochet so much faster.. maybe i'll finaly learn and be the crazy knitting and crochet chic..lol..

Saturday, March 7, 2009

please read my other blog post..

while waiting for my hubbys uncle to have surgury i got to go to a michael and look at yarn and purchased a new pattern book that is filled with easy to read and cute things for me to make for my kids im so excited to get started on.. a needed relief with all the saddness around our family right now ..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

finished project

well today i finished miah's skirt and i had crocheted two pieces to be whip stiched together because i thought the big piece was to small, well when i finished it , i only needed the big piece for the skirt so i added a few chains as ties and used the smaller piece as a matching shirt.. a little more mature type of shirt than if i was making one on purpose but it workes and is cute. now i am working on bottems for her kini top.let me know what you think.. this is the first thing ive made her to wear other than the kini top..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

miah's kini top..

miah in her kini top i made her..
so cute..
off the model..