Tuesday, September 29, 2009

county fair and new baby

well i entered Maggie's blanket and my pig bib and dog bib in the fair this year and i didnt do as well as i thought they would but i did end up with ribbons..so i was proud that i put my self out there..Last Thursday we found out our new baby is a girl and we will name her Ellie.. no middle name yet..i have set in to crochet her a hat and bootie and have one bootie done.. i am also open to sugguestion as to what else i should make her.. i am goin to do a baby blanket as well.. maybe a dress.. depends how much bed rest im on later on.. with both my other two kids i was on at least two months bed rest.. So any suggestions??

1 comment:

  1. what about some cotton washclothes??? or a hooded towel??? a few suggestions. Congrats on the baby girl!
