Wednesday, February 25, 2009

waiting on my yarn to come ..

well i ran out of the chocolate colored yarn and when i returned to the orginal place of purchase they had stopped carring it so i went to ebay and found the amount i needed and now am waiting on it to arrive..oh how i love to ebay.while waiting i decied to crochet a baby toy a block for mynew almost nephew riley but i couldnt get the thing to hold its shape so it became a ball.. i later figured out how to make it stay in a cube shape and am working on one for my little gussy.i wish i would have taken apic of it but hopefully riley's mommy will send me one soon. i'll post it as soon as i get it.. ive also been working on a sundress for my little girl and i'll take pics of it and put them up later as well.. i also completed a dish cloth i am going to be making several more and a few dish towls in a plight to save some money we are really cutting back and saving our pennies.. no more paper towls , or plastic cups, silverware or paper plates, we are starting to plan our garden and i'll be learning how to can and i really want to learn to sew ..hubby is goin to teach me he is a good seamstress.. im goin to make dresses for miah and myself matching ofcourse and shirts for my gussy. i have felt the calling by god to live more simpler that doesnt mean we still dont enjoy our internet and dish network but to dress more plain, ive almost completely given up my jeans for long skirts and more modest tops , i do tend to lounge around the house in some pj pants, im trying to encorage my 2yr old to wear more dresses or skirts as well but good luck in reasoning with a head strong daddies girl who always gets her way and just learning to dress her self.. but but to the crocheting... sorry .. i am trying to learn to read patterns.. i have having a VERY hard time .. with a sundress pattern i bought.. it talks about a cluster stitch..what the heck is a cluster sitch.. if anyone can help let me know and i'll scan the pattern and email youa copy and maybe you can help me.. i need help.. LOTS OF IT>.lol.. well i have pics to take later.. happy stitching

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Here is a website/link that can help you learn a cluster stitch and more. This woman, Teresa created all of these small videos where she demonstrates stitches and other how to crochet project...go to the link and in the search box on the right type in cluster stich and you will find the is s helpful...I recently got a pattern for a poncho that I am making for my niece and it said front and back loop only and I was like "WHAT?" so I went to Teresa videos and found it and I figured it out.

    I have never been a materialistic person; rather a giving!
    I am also cutting back; recycling more; I wash out my zip-lock bags; I use reuseable bags when I shop and or paper; we never buy paper plates or anything like that an believe it or not I use the dishwasher more because it is energy efficient and I use less water doing dishes.

    Good luck with learn te cluster stitch and if you can't find the video let me know and I will see if I can help you.

    A great book for learning crochet stitches is A to Z of Crochet ..The ultimate guide for the beginner to advanced crocheter by Martingale & Company
    You may be able to find a use one at

    Enjoy reading your blog.
